Haixin Wang (汪海昕)
About me
I'm becoming the first year PhD student in UCLA supervised by Prof. Yizhou Sun. I received the M.S. degree from Peking University.
My main research interests include AI for Science and Multi-modal Learning, such as physical simulation, biological dynamics, and multi-modal foundation model. Feel free to contact me for communication and collaboration.
My research interests include:
AI for Science. Cooperate with Tailin Wu (Westlake), Kentaro Hara (Stanford) on:
Large-scale Vision Model.
Real-world Information Retrieval. Cooperate with Xiao Luo (UCLA) on:
[01/24] One paper is acceppted by ICLR2024 (First Author)
[12/23] One paper is acceppted by AAAI2024 (First Author)
[10/23] One paper is acceppted as Oral by NeurIPS2023-AI4Sci Workshop (First Author)
[09/23] Three papers are acceppted by NeurIPS2023 (2*First Author)
[08/23] One paper is acceppted by IEEE TKDE (First Author)
[07/23] One paper is acceppted by ICCV2023 (Co-First Author)
[02/23] One paper is acceppted by WebConf2023/WWW2023 (First Author)
[12/22] One paper is acceppted by IEEE TIP (First Author)
[07/22] One paper is acceppted by ACM MM2022 (Co-First Author)
Academic publications
Haixin Wang*, Jiaxin Li*, Anubhav Dwivedi, Kentaro Hara, and Tailin Wu. "BENO: Boundary-embedded Neural Operators for Elliptic PDEs", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2024) , 2024.
Haixin Wang, Hao Wu, Jinan Sun, Shikun Zhang, Chong Chen, Xiao Luo, and Xiansheng Hua. "IDEA: An Invariant Perspective for Efficient Domain Adaptive Image Retrieval", Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS2023) , 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Haixin Wang*, Xinlong Yang*, Jianlong Chang, Dian Jin, Jinan Sun, Shikun Zhang, Xiao Luo, and Qi Tian. "Parameter-efficient Tuning of Large-scale Multimodal Foundation Model", Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS2023) , 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Xiao Luo, Haixin Wang, Zijie Huang, Huiyu Jiang, Abhijeet Sadashiv Gangan, Song Jiang, and Yizhou Sun. "CARE: Modeling Interacting Dynamics Under Temporal Distribution Shift", Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS2023) , 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Xinlong Yang*, Haixin Wang*, Jinan Sun, Shikun Zhang, Wei Xiang, Chong Chen, Xiansheng Hua, and Xiao Luo. "Prototypical Mixing and Retrieval-based Refinement for Label Noise-resistant Image Retrieval", International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2023) , 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Haixin Wang, Jinan Sun, Shikun Zhang, Wei Xiang, Chong Chen, Xiansheng Hua, and Xiao Luo. "DANCE: Learning A Domain Adaptive Framework for Deep Hashing", Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (WWW2023), 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Haixin Wang, Jinan Sun, Xiao Luo, Wei Xiang, Shikun Zhang, Chong Chen, and Xiansheng Hua. "Towards Effective Domain Adaptive Retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023. (CCF Rank A)
Haixin Wang, Tianhao Zhang, Muzhi Yu, Jinan Sun, Wei Ye, Chen Wang, and Shikun Zhang. "Stacking Networks Dynamically for Image Restoration Based on the Plug-and-Play Framework", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2020), 2020. (CCF Rank B)
Full list of publications in Google Scholar.
Academic service
PC Member/Conference Reviewer:
KDD'23, ICCV'23, NeurIPS'23, AAAI'24, ICLR'24, SDM'24, CVPR'24, ECCV'24, ACM MM'24.